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Parenting course

13 Weeks of Fatherhood and Brotherhood

Whether you are currently separated from your children or you are able to see them on a regular basis, this course is designed to provide you with the skills and resources you need to be the best father you can be.

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Next 13 week course starting soon. Click above to find out more or to register for the next course.  


Throughout the course, you will learn strategies for building and maintaining a positive and supportive relationship with your children, regardless of your current circumstances. You will also have the opportunity to connect with other fathers who are in similar situations, and to share your experiences and challenges with each other.

Some of the topics that we will cover include:​

  • Communication skills 
    How to effectively communicate with your children and co-parent, even when you are not in the same location.

  • Conflict resolution 
    Strategies for managing conflicts and disagreements that may arise between you and your children or co-parent

  • Building a positive relationship: Tips for building and maintaining a strong, supportive relationship with your children, regardless of your current circumstances

  • Co-parenting: Strategies for working effectively with your children's other parent to provide a stable and supportive environment for your children

Hear from Our Fathers

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Oliver Rosales

I feel I have a better understanding of how to be a dad...I didn't really know how a dad was supposed to act since I never really had a father figure growing up...  I felt like I've had a lot of support with all my instructors and all my brothers in this class...I felt right at home, like family and it's been awhile since I've felt that way being anywhere.

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Cortez Charles

My experience here at D.A.D.S. has been life changing! It changed my life 16 years ago when Marvin & Jeanett helped me get custody of my son. With the knowledge I gained and obtained then, I was able to get custody of my daughter... I'm supposed to be here. I was supposed to be in this class and I'm appreciative for this chapter and season of my life.

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Dwayne Smith

I'm better at patience and understanding how to feel what my son and my daughter are trying to say... [At DADS] They keep it real. They let you know that it's going to be a fight and a struggle at times...And when you don't have no family, they are your family- and I'm saying that from experience, because I don't have none- they're there when you need them. 

DADS Parenting Course
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